Monday, September 10, 2007

To Wii or not to Wii?

Hi all, thats my first blog here thanks to George my dear Cuz who threw me the invite.

So my xbox360 was sold, it was a swift decision to get rid of the thing since i was the only one playing and my time is very limited atm. I am now only left with my gbasp,ps2 and my upgraded pc to feed my gaming needs...

Thing is though that my pocked feels ichy to my skin and i may spend some money this fall for a brand new wii..

I know , i know, the graphics suck, thats not the point in getting another console atm though...

You see.. when i get a new game i most of the times show it to people around me... may that person be my fiancee or my parents / friends i want them to participate if they have the skills / interest in that game. On the other hand consoles such as xbox360 were most of the times away from what my fiancee ( yes thats the No1 priority to play with my console atm) likes to play.

Its an undeniable truth that the Wii is closer to most of the people than the other consoles...
In some games the skills needed to play a game are already there ( see Sport games where you swing your tennis racket etc) . In other consoles you need to know where each button is and what each button does etc... which tbh its a gamer's attribute.

In anycase, chrismas is not that far and i have my fingers crossed for a good package by Nintendo.

We ll see.

PS. I also gotta hit the bed (o_-)


George Simos said...

You forgot your XBOX 1!
And lookout a vase errrrr a wiimote is coming to your head!

We should ask Fil to contribute in this blog don't you think?

Kostas said...

*drops unconscious*

Yeah, Master Fil should contribute.